Preventative Care

This is the key to a healthy smile! Regular checkups and hygiene appointments allow us to treat little issues before they become big problems.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Sometimes cosmetic dentistry is the best course of action, whether it’s an elective decision or part of a broader treatment plan. We have a multidisciplinary approach that uses the latest in digital and dental technology to offer veneers, restorative solutions, crowns, smile design, whitening, Invisalign and more. Our goal is for every patient we work with to love their smile.

Dr. Howlett is a member of the New Zealand Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, has a fellowship in orthodontic aligners and is a credited Invisalign provider.

Accidents, Emergency Care & ACC

Accidents happen! If you've had mouth trauma, we can treat you quickly using the latest techniques and the finest materials. ACC covers partial coverage for dental issues caused by accidental injury; in these instances, the patient only contributes their portion of the cost at the time of the appointment and we invoice the rest directly to ACC.

Extractions &
Oral Surgery

Ponsonby teeth has a strong focus on prevention and our goal is always to keep and maintain your teeth. On the occasions where tooth removal is advised, we will always discuss all available options with you and provide an individualised care plan before any procedures are undertaken. Our experienced team will guide you through surgery, ensuring you’re comfortable, informed and thrilled with the results.

(Root Canal Treatments)

It’s always our goal to save teeth whenever we can, which is why we offer a full suite of root canal services. Our highly trained team are experts at this detailed procedure, and will safely guide you through the process.


We love the confidence we see in our patients after a whitening treatment. This fast, effective and safe process can be done at home or at the practice, and we offer complimentary consultations for those wanting to discuss options.

Invisalign & Clear Aligners

When it comes to straightening a smile, many of our patients love the ease and efficiency of clear aligners. Our best-in-class technology, coupled with our deep experience in these forms of treatments, ensure the only regret our patients ever have is not doing them sooner!

Dr. Howlett is a member of the New Zealand Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, has a fellowship in orthodontic aligners and is a credited Invisalign provider.

Crowne and Bridge

We are proud to offer Dentistry Powered by CEREC, which means custom crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers are easier than ever for you. The 3D milling of crowns and bridges is done onsite while you wait in comfort at the clinic, before your new crown or bridge is cemented immediately. This process eliminates the need for the clunky and unpredictable temporary crowns often required for weeks as well as the supplementary clinical appointments and procedures that normally follow.


Implants are considered the gold standard for replacing lost teeth. They can be used to replace individual teeth or to support multiple teeth (bridges) and even full mouth prosthesis (all teeth). With a 3D CBCT machine onsite as well as deep surgical experience and skills, we are fully equipped to assess, help plan treatment and restore your implant.

Wisdom Teeth

Problems arising from wisdom teeth are very common. At Ponsonby Teeth, we have the latest in x-ray machines to assess your wisdom teeth (including OPG 2D machines and 3D Cone Beam CT machines) and are highly experienced in safely removing them.


There’s nothing quite like the feeling of clean teeth, which is why we use the most efficient cleaning method available, Airflow. This gentle but powerful treatment uses a jet which is not only capable of polishing teeth surfaces and removing plaque build-up, but also reaches up to 5mm into periodontal pockets for more efficient cleaning.


Dental anxiety, or fear of the dentist, is a very real condition. At Ponsonby Teeth, our priority is to give you a positive dental experience that is not only pain-free but comfortable; changing people's perceptions of dentistry is one of the most rewarding aspects of our job. 

With the latest in anesthetic medicines, your treatment will be virtually painless. We also offer noise reducing headphones, a choice of movies to select from, and a gentle caring touch to help put you even more at ease.

For those seriously anxious about their treatment, we can offer dental sedation. Also known as sleep dentistry, this IV sedation will put you in a state of relaxed consciousness that will still allow you to follow simple instructions. 

Please note we are unable to provide sedation for patients under 18 years old.