Ponsonby Teeth is a modern dental practice located in the heart of Ponsonby.

Our local and experienced team is committed to treating each client with a bespoke and personalised service, using state-of-the-art technology and facilities. You won’t find uncomfortable plastic chairs, fluorescent lights or windowless waiting rooms, instead, we offer a contemporary and comfortable practice with a wonderful view of Ponsonby Road - and our personal favourite, Prego - and plenty of patient carparks on-site. Ponsonby Teeth makes dental care convenient, relaxed and easy.

“Studies show that there’s a lack of trust out there for dentists. Too often, people feel like they’re prescribed treatments they don’t need so the dentist can make money. We opened Ponsonby Teeth to flip all of that on its head. This is a welcoming practice, where we firmly believe that the less dentistry we have to do - the better! With a patient-first philosophy, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality care, clear communication and tailored treatment plans.”

- Dr. Ashleigh Howlett, founder